How to turn your website into a lead generation machine
Having a good looking website is all very well, but surely you'd like to gain customers that come to you because of what they seen on your website.Now when I create websites I [...]
Having a good looking website is all very well, but surely you'd like to gain customers that come to you because of what they seen on your website.Now when I create websites I [...]
Google My Business has a plethora of tools for you to use to help your business be found more easily in local search. You can add images, videos, publicise events and write [...]
Do you use the meta description on your web pages? If not you could be missing out on clicks through to your website. Your listing in the Google index is an advert that needs [...]
You could be writing lots and lots of content for your website and that's really good, but do you think about the audience your targeting? If you do then that's great but I've asked [...]
The new GDPR regulations aren't going to stop us sending emails but it might make us think more carefully about how we use email. Each and every email you send is a marketing opportunity. [...]
It's always interesting how someone says something and it prompts me to write a post. Usually it's a question that someone asks, but this time it was a comment that someone made about SEO [...]
Many people over the years have said to me that Google AdWords doesn't work for them. Pretty much every time the reason they haven't made sales from AdWords is they didn't realise how important [...]
Recently I've been asked a few times, why a site is slow, and or, doesn't load properly. Or even the classic question; "Why isn't my site on the first page of Google?" There are [...]
As usual I'm prompted to write a blog post, purely because of a question asked of me by a potential client. I haven't written that many posts about eCommerce, which is strange considering my [...]
Google AdWords doesn't have to be expensive. There are a few ways to make it cheaper and ensure that you don't waste money on the wrong clicks. The first thing to keep an eye [...]