You probably already know that writing blog posts will substantially increase the traffic to your website. Possibly though, you’re finding it difficult to know what to write about to continually keep writing. It’s certainly not easy but in my opinion anyone can write content for their own website which will be effective in driving traffic to a website in order to get those all important enquiries.
It’s true that there are so many ways to learn how to write web content. There are online tutorials for instance and these can work very well. There are many other writing courses that will be run at your local school or college. You could try these and perhaps they would help you and give you all the inspiration you need to then write copious amounts of blog posts to put on your website.
Some people would say though that it’s as much about motivation as it is thinking of the titles and topics to blog about.
I have a considerable amount of experience in creating blog posts that drive web traffic. I’m no writer, but many years ago I learnt a technique that allows me to write considerably effective content for my own website and for others. My grammar isn’t always perfect but that’s not a problem these days as spell checkers and grammar checkers are easy to find.
Ok, I’m no Shakespeare either but the important thing is to get the message across in a way that is understandable to the reader. I believe that everyone can learn how to do this.
So here’s my pitch.
I’m now running a course in Norwich that teaches search engine optimisation and blogging. It’s a 4 hour course for £60
I’m passionate about helping people to achieve their dreams and I believe that I can help to grow peoples businesses.
Would you like to know more?
Come on my course and you’ll get all the information you need to steal a march on your competition.
You can read more about the course on the SEO Course Norwich page.
If you’d just like a chat about it and a coffee, please do not hesitate to contact me by phoning 01603 383477 or filling in my contact form.